Education, Awareness & Advocacy
More children, women and men are victims of modern-day slavery today than at any other point in history. Human trafficking and modern-day slavery operates under a well-established business model: supply (the victims), distribution (the traffickers), and demand (the customers). While there are many organizations that focus on supply (public awareness), distribution and victim services, GC uniquely targets the demand side of the equationthe perpetrators, exploiters, buyers and end-users of human beings, seeking to prevent modern-day slavery at its source.
Since 2008, GC has employed a unique, three-pronged, preventative approach to combat demand by:(1) Developing demand-reduction research and programs; (2) Providing innovative demand-reduction education, awareness and advocacy training to communities, civic leaders, NGOs, law enforcement and at-risk populations; and, (3) Establishing partnership and collaborative networks to address human trafficking.
Demand-Focused Education, Awareness & Advocacy
Global Centurion Education Curriculum
Global Centurion has created a basic introduction to and overview of human trafficking for middle school and high school children and teens. The curriculum describes various types of human trafficking (sex trafficking and labor trafficking; international and domestic trafficking; adult and child trafficking. The course introduces students to international, foreign national and U.S. law and policy on human trafficking, how to identify victims, and common health concerns among trafficking victims as background for a demand-related approach. The primary purpose of the program is to create age-appropriate modules to reach young men and boys to help them make informed choices and reduce the demand. The curriculum includes a syllabus, teacher-training manual, basic materials and exercises, special in-class and extra-curricular projects; and inter-active media technologies activities. Curriculum is complete and will be piloted in 2013.
Haiti Human Trafficking Project: Preventing Modern Slavery After a Natural Disaster
Following the earthquake in Haiti (January 12, 2010) Global Centurion brought a dozen NGOs together in partnership to form the Haiti and Human Trafficking Coalition (HHTC). The Coalition designed projects to raise awareness about the ways in which vulnerabilities following a natural disaster can lead to human trafficking. Global Centurion spear-headed these low-tech, grass-roots social marketing and education campaign. The campaign is designed to reach Haitians by distributing deliverables with messaging on them.
Phase I of the campaign included distributing approximately one million food packets with anti-trafficking messages, as well as creating and playing a series of Creole anti-trafficking jingles on popular radio stations in Haiti. In addition, GC developed specialized briefings for relief and development workers, health providers, U.S. military, UN peacekeepers and private contractors emphasizing the importance of best behaviors while defending or protecting vulnerable and at risk populations. In Phase II of the Project, GC has trained over 60 Haitians, including health providers, attorneys, teachers, business leaders, pastors, and university students to serve as anti-trafficking trainers in their own communities. These trainings and briefings are presented around the theme, Its Time and feature a series of sayings in Creole on T shirts, water bottles, and other deliverables, including, Its Time to Protect our Children, Its Time to Remember our Anti-Slavery Heritage, Its Time for Human Rights. Read More >>
Educating Policy Makers, Law Enforcement & the Public About Links Between Modern Slavery & Criminal Street Gangs
Over the last fifteen years, criminal gang activity in the United States has become a serious problem. At the same time, human trafficking has emerged as one of the fastest growing crimes in the U.S. GC uncovered over two hundred cases in which gang members have been involved in modern slavery, and using this newly collected data, GC examined anti-gang and anti-trafficking law and policy and drew up a set of recommendations for government officials, policy-makers, community leaders and educators. The work influenced members of Congress, as well as state and legislators, resulting in new laws addressing the link between street gangs and sex trafficking. In addition, working with a local service provider, Courtneys House, GC created presentations for Washington area community centers, churches, and schools to educated citizens and students about the dangers of sex trafficking in street gangs.Readmore >>
Reducing Demand & Rescuing Victims at Hubs of Demand
Sporting events are hubs of demand for human trafficking; its estimated that traffickers brought as many as 10,000 women and children to the last several Super Bowls. Over the past four years, GC has been advising NGOs and FBOs in cities hosting the Super Bowl, Olympics, and other Big Games to help communities create a comprehensive plan to prevent trafficking, prosecute traffickers, and protect and assist victims, resulting in real lives saved (Over 30 children were rescued and over 84 arrests were made during the Super Bowl XIII in Tampa; In Dallas, police made 133 arrests and rescued 33 children as a result of coordinated efforts led by GC). GC was also invited by the AGs office to develop an anti-trafficking campaign for the upcoming Super Bowl in New Orleans. Read more >>