Street Gangs & Modern Slavery

Over the last fifteen years, criminal gang activity in the United States has become a serious problem. At the same time, human trafficking has emerged as one of the fastest growing crimes in the U.S. GC uncovered over two hundred cases in which gang members have been involved in human trafficking (recruiting, transporting, harboring, obtaining, or selling a person for purposes of commercial sexual exploitation or involuntary servitude).
Global Centurion analyzed the case law for patterns, including recruitment methods, methods of coercion and control, age of trafficking victims, and more. Using this newly collected data, GC examined anti-gang and anti-trafficking law and policy and drew up a set of recommendations for government officials, policy-makers, community leaders and educators. The work influenced members of Congress, as well as state and legislators, resulting in new laws addressing the link between street gangs and sex trafficking.
In addition, working with a local service provider, Courtneys House, GC created presentations for Washington area community centers, churches, and schools to educate citizens and students about the dangers of sex trafficking in street gangs.