Support the Norma Hotaling Awards

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In 2010, Global Centurion Foundation established the Norma Hotaling Anti-Trafficking Awards, named in honor of Norma Hotaling, a survivor of sex trafficking and a light and leader who was an inspiration to all who are working to stop the commercial sexual exploitation of women and children. Norma told her story in unsparing detail in order to help people understand how children are trafficked into prostitution, and how women become trapped in a hopeless cycle of violence and exploitation. She described her trafficking into prostitution when she was a teenager and detailed the series of violent pimps and traffickers who held her life hostage, from the time she was a child until she was in her mid-thirties when she escaped.

Norma founded SAGE, one of the first safe harbors for those hurt on the streets. Her earliest innovation was her street outreach, and one-stop shop offering comprehensive sets of services for trafficking victims. She was also the first to realize that we needed to address the demand side of sex trafficking in order to stop it and she created a series of innovative projects aimed at men and boys.

Global Centurion has recognized outstanding individuals in three areas of anti-trafficking work: 1) survivor centered service providers; 2) innovative work to curb demand, and 3) policy work addressing systemic change. In this way we hope to honor and remember Norma and at the same time to support and recognize the work of abolitionists here in the U.S. and Canada who are carrying on her vision. We are proud that these funds have been raised from advocates and organizations across the United States.

Please help us sustain the 2014 Norma Hotaling Awards by donating today!


Laura J. Lederer

President & Founder, Global Centurion Foundation